Sunday 11 October 2009

The Story of Blaskar-PART 2

This is a cool picture of me....Blaskar is my name.
They told us the war was gonna end by Christmas 2088.

But I'm starting to doubt that. My name is Blaskar. I'm a monster that fights for the humans. The war against the aliens. This was has been going on since June 2084. 4 years is a long time.

They came on a hot summer's day. I saw them, I was hiding in an alley in New York. I had to hide. I was a monster. The humans would either kill me or put me in a zoo if they discovered me. I would probably be jeered at at and called a freak, get tied up and laughed at. Not cool. So, that's why I HAVE TO hide.

Moving on. So as I was saying they came on a hot summer's day. They came by the thousands. in these huge steel looking spaceships, with lights blinking at the windows.
I remember it started raining when they came. The lightning was deafining. Everyone started screaming when they saw the spaceships. Pandemonium. Chaos. All the armies in the world were alerted and the aliens opened fire with these weird laser guns that killed you instantly. The aleins were greenish with 5 eyes and 3 feet that were colered red.
A few days after the 1st day the aliens came, I offered my assistance to the American gonvernment. They didn't trust me at first but after awhile they employed me to spy on the aliens. I've been working for them ever since.
My name is Blaskar and this is my story. You may not believe me but this is the truth.

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