Monday 11 October 2010

Script for Video

Our project for Visual Art class was to paint an abstract picture in contrast colors. I felt relaxed while doing the project, because I love to paint with acrilics and the vibe in the classroom wasn't too disruptive. We first had to start the project by painting abstract art on little cards, then bigger cards, then we had to choose one of our bigger cards to do as the final piece. Some of the problems I ran into along the way was when I was doing the smaller cards, I didn't really know what to paint, so I had to look at my friends cards and get inspiration from them. Jobs in the world that would need this kind of problem solving would be artists or writers, they would need to look at other peoples' work so they get ideas for their own.

This project change my way of thinking about abstract art, because before, whenever I saw a painting with that style, I would say "Meh. A 3rd grader could do that." There are still works of art around the world that look like they could be done by little kids but now I realise that they're actually really hard to come up with. Other situations where this kind of observation is useful is when you're looking through a microscope and you're observing cells. If you have good observation skills then you will notice the difference when it moves (the cell). That example's actually really useful for me because I'm learning about cells in Science right now!! It is important to develop this skill so that you don't become so narrow minded when looking at art work, so that you notice little details that most people don't see. It could affect the way you look at the work of art.

I like my final piece about 8 out of 10, it didn't really turn out the way I originally painted it on the panel (card). The both halves of the picture, the orange and the blue, they don't really look like the one in the card. But it looks all right. Some advice I would give another kid doing this project is to not be too picky with the result and to try and blend the nearest shade of color you can get to the original color in the card, unless you want to tweak the painting a bit.

The elements of art that I used while doing this project were Color, Line and Value. Color was used in both sides of the painting, and Line is shown in the middle, because there is an obvious border where the 2 contrast colors meet. Value is shown in the color (Value, also called Tone, is the use of light, dark and shade) because it had different shades of colors.

The principles of design I used in this project were Contrast and Dominance . I used Contrast because orange and blue are contrast colors, meaning in each color you can't find the other color in it. Like orange has absolutely no blue in it, and vice versa. I used Dominance because the large circle at the bottom of the drawing is the place where your eyes look first, it balances out the monotony of the 2 colors.

I enhanced my powers of observation while doing this project, and if I could ever give this skill away to someone, I would give it to one of those people who scoff at art and are so narrow minded about it, yet they can't even describe it in intelligent language and instead say "That's stupid." They can't even describe what makes it so "stupid". That's why I want to give this skill to them, so that they'll open they're eyes and realize what is really in front of them.

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